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Journal of Chromatography A
Copyright © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

Volume 768, Issue 2,
Pages 169-344 (25 April 1997)

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Non-linear waves in chromatography III. Multicomponent Langmuir and Langmuir-like systems, Pages 169-205
Friedrich G. Helfferich
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (2178 K)

Phenolic compounds in virgin olive oils I. Low-wavelength quantitative determination of complex phenols by high-performance liquid chromatography under isocratic elution, Pages 207-213
Filippo M. Pirisi, Alberto Angioni, Paolo Cabras, Vincenzo L. Garau, Maria Teresa Sanjust di Teulada, Marlene Karim dos Santos and Giovanni Bandino
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (354 K)

Large volume injection of acidic pesticides by reversed-phase micro high-performance liquid chromatography, Pages 215-222
Achille Cappiello, Giorgio Famiglini and Arnaldo Berloni
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (483 K)

Liquid chromatography of polyethers using universal detectors V. Quantitative aspects in the analysis of low-molecular-mass poly(ethylene glycol)s and their derivatives by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography with an evaporative light scattering detector, Pages 223-238
B. Trathnigg and M. Kollroser
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (598 K)

Monitoring of organic micropollutants in surface water by automated on-line trace-enrichment liquid and gas chromatographic systems with ultraviolet diode-array and mass spectrometric detection, Pages 239-258
J. Slobodník, A. J. H. Louter, J. J. Vreuls, I. Lika and U. A. Th. Brinkman
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (966 K)

Determination of volatile organic compounds in water by purge-and-trap gas chromatography coupled to atomic emission detection, Pages 259-270
Ingo Silgoner, Erwin Rosenberg and Manfred Grasserbauer
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (556 K)

Inverse gas chromatography for the examination of fractions separated from oil vacuum distillation residues, Pages 271-281
A. Voelkel and J. Fall
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (562 K)

Displacement electrophoresis of ampholytes in a continuous pH gradient moving in a capillary with a non-constant cross-section, Pages 283-294
Miroslava astná and Karel lais
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (633 K)

High-performance capillary electrophoresis of hyaluronic acid: determination of its amount and molecular mass, Pages 295-305
Shozo Hayase, Yasuo Oda, Susumu Honda and Kazuaki Kakehi
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (577 K)

Evaluation of phytic acid as a buffer additive for the separation of proteins in capillary electrophoresis, Pages 307-313
J. R. Veraart, Y. Schouten, C. Gooijer and H. Lingeman
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (423 K)

Example of gradient elution in normal-phase liquid chromatography, Pages 315-319
Veronika R. Meyer
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (236 K)

Investigation of the separation efficiency of hydrophobic compounds in suspension electrokinetic chromatography, Pages 320-324
B. Göttlicher and K. Bächmann
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (293 K)

Calibration of a size-exclusion chromatography system using fractions with defined amylopectin unit chains, Pages 325-328
Helena Fredriksson, Roger Andersson, Kristine Koch and Per Åman
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (210 K)

Quantitative evaluation of chromatograms from totally illuminated thin-layer chromatographic plates, Pages 329-333
Irena Vovk and Mirko Proek
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (266 K)

Determination of preservatives in food products by cyclodextrin-modified capillary electrophoresis with multiwavelength detection, Pages 334-341
Kuang-Lung Kuo and You-Zung Hsieh
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (422 K)

Miscellaneous Item, Pages 343-344

Journal Format-PDF (126 K)


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